Etä- ja paikkariippumattoman työn tehokkuutta, tuottavuutta ja valvontaa käsitteleviä julkaisuja

Alasoini, Tuomo & Selander, Kirsikka (2023) Etätyö organisaation resilienssitekijänä: MEADOW-työnantajakyselyyn perustuva analyysi. Focus Localis, 51(1), 25–48.

Allen, Tammy D., Golden, Timothy D. & Shockley, Kristen M. (2015) How effective is telecommuting? Assessing the status of our scientific findings. Psychological science in the public interest, 16(2), 40−68.

Aloisi, Antonio & De Stefano, Valerio. (2022). Essential jobs, remote work and digital surveillance: Addressing the COVID19 pandemic panopticon. International Labour Review, 161(2), 289–314.

Choudhury, Prithwiraj, Foroughi, Cirrus & Larson, Barbara (2020) Work-from-anywhere: The productivity effects of geographic flexibility. Strategic Management Journal, 42(4), 655–683.

Kurvinen, Evgeniya (2023) Etätyön valvonta – sallittujen ja kiellettyjen keinojen rajamaastossa. Focus Localis, 51(1), 22–34.

Kim, Taehee, Mullins, Lauren B. & Yoon, Taewon (2021) Supervision of Telework: A Key to Organizational Performance. The American Review of Public Administration, 51(4), 263–277.

Martin, Brittany Harker & MacDonnell, Rhiannon (2012) Is telework effective for organizations? A meta‐analysis of empirical research on perceptions of telework and organizational outcomes. Management Research Review, 35(7), 602–616.
