
Aila-Leena Matthies, Jef Peeters, Tuuli Hirvilammi & Ingo Stamm (2020) Ecosocial innovations enabling social work to promote new forms of sustainable economy. International Journal of Social Welfare, 0, 1 – 12. DOI: 10.1111/ijsw.12423

Ingo Stamm, Aila-Leena Matthies, Tuuli Hirvilammi & Kati Närhi (2020) Combining labour market and unemployment policies with environmental sustainability? A cross-national study on ecosocial innovations. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy (2020), 36: 1, 42–56. doi:10.1017/ics.2020.4

Hirvilammi, T., Väyrynen, M., Stamm, I., Matthies, A. L., & Närhi, K. (2019). Reflecting on Work Values with Young Unemployed Adults in Finland. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 9(2): 87-104.

Matthies, Aila-Leena, Närhi, Kati, Julkunen, Ilse, Martinsen, Edgar (2019) 态社会工作与社会工作实 (Ecological Social Work and Collaborative Research in Practice, edited by Zhao, Yiun, ) Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 513 pages. (Translation from English to Chinese)

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Stamm, I., Hirvilammi, T., Matthies, A.-L., & Närhi, K. (2019). Ecosocial Innovations in Europe. How Social and Solidarity Economy Actors Can Promote the Sustainable Development Goals. UNTFSSE International Conference in Geneva, 25-26 June 2019. Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy?

Aila-Leena Matthies, Ingo Stamm Tuuli Hirvilammi & Kati Närhi: Ecosocial Innovations and Their Capacity to Integrate Ecological, Economic and Social Sustainability Transition.  Sustainability 201911(7), 2107.

Stamm, I. (2018). Umwelt, Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit in den Ethikkodizes Sozialer Arbeit. Kein Thema für die Profession? Soziale Arbeit, 67(12), 444–450.

Ingo Stamm, Tuuli Hirvilammi, Aila-Leena Matthies & Kati NärhiEcosocial Innovations As Part Of Social And Solidarity Economy – Local Models For A Sustainable Development. Journal on Innovation and Sustainability 2017, 8(4)

Tuuli Hirvilammi, Aila-Leena Matthies, Kati Närhi & Ingo Stamm: Kestävää siirtymää edistäviä työn ja toimeentulon muotoja – Analyysi kirjallisuudesta. Janus 2016, 24(4).

Report for Finnish Environment Institute: Finland and Sustainable well-being