Guest Introduction: Ewa Kantowicz

Ewa Kantowicz (ORCID: 0002-6000-7277) – domain: social sciences; Discipline: pedagogy, field of research –social work

Professor of social pedagogy and social work at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Since 2019, she has been the President of the Polish Association of Social Work Schools.

At the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn she is a representative of the Faculty at the Doctoral School, at the Faculty of Social Sciences the Head of Doctoral Studies in the discipline of pedagogy, the Chairwoman of the Program Council in the field of social work and the chairwoman of the Faculty Team for the Quality Assessment of Diploma Dissertations and the internal team for the evaluation of the quality of education and assessment of the quality of diploma theses in the field of social work. Since 2017, she has been the Chairman of the Team for the modernization of education programs in the field of social work.


Since 1999 he has been a member of EASSW (being a member of EC in 2009-2013) and since 2017 she is a member of the Steering Committee TISSA (The International Social Work and Society Academy), participates in many conferences and seminars also for MA and PhD students.


Involved in the development of research, education and practice in the field of social pedagogy and social work. Her research interests focus on: childcare system and social and educational work with a family at risk; social and pedagogical aspects of exclusion, activation and social integration; contemporary discourses on social work as a discipline, values in social work, comparative approach to education, academisation, professionalization of social educators and social workers in the Polish and European context.

In the years 2003-2008 she coordinated on behalf of the UWM the EU-funded research project "Commonalities and differences In social work education In Europe", and in 2020-21 the research project financed by Visegrad Projects "Values building in Social Work Edukation".


She has published about 140 peer-reviewed chapters and scientific articles, 6 monographs and co-edited 12 multi-author monographs. He participates in many international and national conferences, being also a member of their scientific and organizing committees. She is an editorial member of several journals from the list of the Ministry of Science and Education. She promoted about 100 BA and 400 MA theses and 8 doctorates, she was a reviewer in many doctoral dissertations in Poland (also abroad in Finland and Lithuania).

Purposes of her intership and stay in JYU and Kokkola University:

Continuation of international cooperation in the field of research and development of education for social work. Initiation of a scientific and didactic project on the development of professional social competences of students in the process of academic education for social work in Poland, Finland and Germany (comparative studies). Continuation of own research focused on the analysis of source materials on the academization and disciplinarianization of social work in the European perspective, with particular emphasis on Finland. Conducting classes for employees and students of the host institution. Signing Erasmus contract with JYU.