VIDEOCONFERENCE November 8, 2005

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VIDEOCONFERENCE November 8, 2005



Kokkola, Akureyri, Stockholm, Oslo, Esbjerg


10:00 Icelandic time (gmt)

11:00 Norwegian, Swedish and Danish time (gmt+1)

12:00 Finnish time (gmt+2)


The technical contact will be taken 30 minutes before the meeting.



Order of the floors in each round

  1. Finland, moderator
  2. Sweden
  3. Norway
  4. Iceland
  5. Denmark

I round: Introduction:


Possible clarifications and additions of your good practices (few minutes only)

We suppose that everybody has read the descriptions.


II round: Selecting the good practices

Comments on the round I

 Do you want to comment the good practices of other countries?

Descriptions have been mailed in week 44.

 Your priorities of good practices which could be transferred from other countries to your case study area. Short explanation. (max. 10 minutes)


III round: Matching the good practices

 Comments on the round II

 Comments on matching principles

Appendix 1: Matching principles Nov 7

 Comments on the suggestion for the matching

Appendix 2 will be mailed tomorrow morning


IV round: Guidelines for good practice analysis

 Comments on the round III

 Comments on the guidelines for good practice analysis and interview guide

Appendix 3 and 4


V round: Regional workshops

 Comments on the round IV

 Preparation for the regional workshops:

 Gathering a reference group of local actors

Inform the reference group


Schedules of the workshops

The dates of regional workshops should be decided among the researchers and regional reference groups, in February – April, 2006.


VI round: Closing

Comments on the round V

Decisions of the video conference

Next phases

Good practice analysis

Comparative analysis


Next common meetings:

 Video conference January 10, 2006:

Questions concerning the good practice analysis

Questions concerning the comparative analysis

Second research workshop and first regional workshop week 8 in Feb in Finland or in Denmark.

agenda of the research workshop: comparative analysis presentations, the questions of the national-regional workshops

Third research workshop in May in Denmark or in Finland, what week?

-preliminary findings