
Coordination of a networked learning centre and the research and development activities of the ICT services

  • In the next few years, a large part of education will concentrate on adult education and especially on education models that support working life.
  • The use of the virtual teaching, studying and guidance spaces will increase, technology will be modernized, and particular attention will be paid to social interaction in networks.

We need to implement learning environment more comprehensively, especially in relation to local development work.

The aim of the project is to bring together the services that support e-teaching in the organizations around the campus area; This forms a learning centre that operates as a network. The objective is also to develop technological practices for teaching, which makes it possible to study while working, and takes into account working life, especially in regards to teaching information technology.

Verkotut is a part of the KaVeri project entity.

The project’s core initiatives:

  • The development of a plan for a networked learning centre
  • Focus on the working life relevance of information technology teaching and flexible study options
  • The research and development activities of the ICT services
  • The development of Flash-based video technologies


The project will be implemented with:



The project is made possible by:

EU_rakennerahastot_eng Leverage
Kase KosekLääninhallitus

Further information about the project: Project Manager Pentti Impiö