Maaseudun taloudellinen arvo (The economical value of the Finnish countryside)


This postgraduate research project tries to find out citizen’s willingness to pay for the characteristics of the Finnish countryside. Rural valuation is done by using survey based methods (contingent valuation and choice experiment). Statistical modelling is done by using some newly created versions of the multinomial logit model (e.g. mixed logit, latent class model). The results from these valuation experiments can be used both to allocate society`s rural subsidies and to create new marketable commodities.

Publication: Kaipainen, Jouni (2013). Taloudellisen arvottamisen uudet perusteet. Sovellusesimerkkinä maksuhalu maaseudun suhteen. (New foundations of nonmarket valuation. A case study of the willingness-to-pay for the Finnish countryside.) Doctoral dissertation. (In Finnish, abstract in English.) Jyväskylä University. Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius. Available in Finnish at:

Further information: Jouni Kaipainen

Funding: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Rural Policy Committee; Central Ostrobothnian Cultural Foundation; Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius