Maaseututoimijoiden kansainvälistyminen (Internationalization of rural actors)


The research will deepen the mappings concerned with internationalization of rural actors made in the strategy work of the Finnish Rural Policy Committee (2011). Especially the integration of the third sector, the development of the Rural Policy Committee and its theme groups, and cooperation in rural research will be emphasized. The research questions include: What has internationalization of Finnish rural actors produced: what kind of contents and modes of action? What are the aims of endeavours for internationalization? What are the good practices and challenges of internationalization?  How have the central strategic starting-points of the Rural Policy Committee (regional based policy, governance, networking and the strengthening of the Leader method) materialized? How do the Finnish nationality, national and regional identity, image, and stereotypes attached to them influence on the internationalization of rural actors. Finally, the central recommendations for the development of internationalization will be crystallized.


• Olli Rosenqvist's presentation 'Yksimittakaavaisesta monimittakaavaiseen ajatteluun ja tekemiseen: Heijastuksia Maaseututoimijoiden kansainvälistyminen ja THROUGH-JOY-hankkeista' (From single-scalar to multi-scalar thinking and doing: Reflections from the projects Maaseututoimijoiden kansainvälistyminen (Internationalization of rural actors) and THROUGH-JOY)' in the Finnish Geography Days 2013, in Vaasa, Finland, 25.10.2013.

Further information: Olli Rosenqvist

Funding: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Rural Policy Committee (2012–2013).